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March 13, 2023
Average Efficiency
Efficiency is a function of overall vehicle design and is usually higher for heavier vehicles, including trucks.
Average efficiency continues to decline due to the introduction of larger and heavier models. Average efficiency dropped 16% to 189 Wh/km for 2023 models from 226 Wh/km for 2020 models.
Retail Price vs Efficiency
The scatter chart compares the retail vehicle price against the efficiency (Wh/km). Electric vehicle efficiency is measured as power consumption(Wh) per kilometer traveled. The three most efficient 2023 models (150-152 Wh/km) include the Hyundai IONIQ 6 Standard Range 2WD, the Tesla Model 3, and the Dacia Spring Electric 45.  The three least efficient 2023 models are the Audi SQ8 e-tron, Lotus Eletre R, and VinFast VF 9 Extended Range – all at about 238 Wh/km.