Permian Oil Full-Cycle Cost
July 29, 2021
Permian oil full-cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) by initial productivity (IP) and by cost component. Additional chart shows Permian full-cycle cost curve.
The full-cycle costs range from 36.00 USD/Bbl to 114.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Eagle Ford Oil Full-Cycle Cost
August 2, 2021
Eagle Ford oil full-cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) by initial productivity (IP) and by cost component. Additional chart shows Eagle Ford full-cycle cost curve.
The full-cycle costs range from 36.50 USD/Bbl to 160.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Bakken Oil Full-Cycle Cost
August 2, 2021
Bakken oil full-cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) by initial productivity (IP) and by cost component. Additional chart shows Bakken full-cycle cost curve.
The full-cycle costs range from 45.00 USD/Bbl to 215.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.
DJ Niobrara Oil Full Cycle Cost
August 2, 2021
DJ Niobrara oil full-cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) by initial productivity (IP) and by cost component. Additional chart shows DJ Niobrara full-cycle cost curve.
The full-cycle costs range from 43.00 USD/Bbl to 260.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.