April 15, 2023

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles 2021-2022

The chart shows publicly accessible slow and fast electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) stock globally in 2021 and 2022. Total number of EVSE worldwide was 6.9 million. Publicly available EV charging accounted for 40% of the total (almost 3 million) up from only 12% in 2020. China is the global leader in available chargers, including public where they have a 65% market share in 2022 and doubled the total number of chargers since 2021. Europe, the second largest EV market, only  has 400,000 public charging – almost half are in the Netherlands (90,000) and Germany (60,000).

EVSE Worldwide

See also:
Electric Vehicle Battery Cost Forecast 2017-2026
Electric Vehicle Price vs Battery Capacity 2020-2023
Electric Vehicle Price vs Range 2020-2023
Electric Vehicle Price vs Efficiency 2020-2023
Charging Time for Electric Vehicles 2020-2023