October 21, 2021

Canadian GHG Emission by Province

Alberta has the largest emissions in Canada primarily due to oil and gas sector. Ontario has the second most emissions although they decreased between 2005and 2019 driven by the closure of coal-fired electricity generation plants.

Canada’s total emissions increased 19% between 1990 and 2005 from 600 Mt CO2e to 740 Mt CO2e. Alberta increased 27% from 170 Mt CO2e to 235 Mt CO2e while Ontario increased 12% from 180 Mt CO2e to 205 Mt CO2e. The rest of Canada increased by 20% from 250 Mt CO2e to 300 Mt CO2e.

Between 2005 and 2019, Canada’s total emissions decreased 1% to 730 Mt CO2e.  Alberta continued to increase to 275 Mt CO2e (up 15%) while Ontario declined 26% to 160 Mt CO2e.

2019 Provincial Share of GHG Emissions

For 2019, Alberta and Ontario represent 60% of Canada’s total GHG emissions (38% and 22% respectively). Quebec, Saskatchewan, and BC account for another 30% (12%, 10%, and 9% respectively). The remaining provinces and territories contribute about 10%.