US Oil Rig Count Per Basin

September 13, 2024

US oil rig count from 2012 to H1 2024 for four major U.S. shale basins: DJ-Niobrara, Eagle Ford, Permian, and Williston:

Permian: The most active basin, peaking at 560 rigs in 2018, and dropped to 122 in 2020. The rig count in 2024 was 307, down from 330 in 2023…

US Oil Rig Count By Trajectory

September 13, 2024

US rig count trends are split between horizontal and vertical drilling trajectories from 2012 to H1 2024.

Horizontal Drilling peaked in 2014 at over 800 rigs declining to about 200 rigs in 2016. Drilling recovered post 2016 through 2019 before dropping again to just over 165 rigs due to the Covid pandemic. The horizontal rig count recovered again after 2020 ending H1 2024 at over 400…

US Oil and Lease Condensate Production Forecast

September 13, 2024

US crude oil and lease condensate production grew from about 5,500 MBbl/d in 2010 to 13,000 in 2023.
In 2023, almost 64% of US Crude oil production came from Tight Oil basins: Permian, Eagle Ford, Niobrara, and Bakken.
US crude oil and lease condensate production will continue to grow and reach almost 14,000 MBbl/d by 2030. It remains flat until 2034 and then begins to decline, dropping back to 2023 levels by 2040, due to the maturity of Tight Oil basins…

Crude Oil vs. Lease Condensate Production

September 13, 2024

Lease condensate production grew to 3,200 MBbl/d in 2023 from just over 2,000 MBbl/d in 2015 due to focused drilling in condensate rich Tight Oil Basins. It is expected to remain in the 3,300 – 3,600 MBbl/d range over the forecast period.

The percent of lease condensate grew to 26% of the total in 2023 – up from 23% in 2015…

Raw Associated Gas Production

September 13, 2024

Associated gas production in selected US basins increased to 28.4 Bcf/d in 2023 up from 1.5 Bcf/d in 2010 driven by the increase in the gas/oil ratios within Tight Oil basins.

Incorrys estimates that associated gas production in 2031-2037 will reach almost…

Permian Oil Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Permian tight oil production (located in west Texas and eastern New Mexico). Additional charts show initial productivity, (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Permian Associated Gas Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Permian associated gas production (located in west Texas and eastern New Mexico). Permian Delaware raw associated gas production will grow to 17 Bcf/d in 2035, up from 10.5 Bcf/d in 2023, due to the growth of oil production as well and an increase in the gas/oil ratio…

Eagle Ford Oil Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Eagle Ford oil production (located in the southern are of Eagle Ford on the Texas Gulf Coast). Additional charts show initial productivity, (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Eagle Ford Associated Gas Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Eagle Ford associated gas production (located in the southern are of Eagle Ford on the Texas Gulf Coast). Eagle Ford raw associated gas production* peaked at just over 3 Bcf/d in 2015 and has trended downward ever since due to the decline of oil production in the basin…

Williston Oil Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Williston oil production (located in North Dakota, Montana, and Canada). Additional charts show initial productivity (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Williston Associated Gas Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Williston raw associated gas production (located in North Dakota, Montana, and Canada). Williston raw associated gas production* is expected to reach over 3.8 Bcf/d in 2035 from 3.3 Bcf/d in 2023 due to growing oil production as well as an increase in the gas/oil ratio over time…

Appalachian Oil Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Appalachian oil production (located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky). Additional charts show initial productivity (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Appalachian Associated Gas Production

September 15, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Appalachian raw associated gas production (located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky). Associated gas production is from wells classified as oil and volatile oil within the Appalachian basin. Condensate wells are not included…

Niobrara Oil Production

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of DJ-Niobrara oil production (located in southern Powder River (Wyoming) and Denver-Julesburg (Colorado) basins). Additional charts show initial productivity (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Niobrara Associated Gas Production
Powder River

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Niobrara raw associated gas production (located in northeast Colorado and Southeast Wyoming)…

Uinta Oil Production

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Uinta oil production (located in Utah). Additional charts show initial productivity (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Anadarko Oil Production

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Anadarko oil production (located in Oklahoma and Kansas). Additional charts show initial productivity (IP), estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), number of wells and a map of the region…

Anadarko Associated Gas Production

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Anadarko associated gas production (located in Oklahoma and Kansas). Anadarko raw associated gas production peaked at 1.9 Bcf/d in 2019 and has generally decline sine dropping to 1.4 Bcf/d in 2023…

Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil Production

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of Gulf of Mexico offshore oil production. Additional charts show initial productivity (IP), number of wells and a map of the region. Major New Projects post 2023 (including start date and peak capacity)…

California Oil Production

September 16, 2024

Forecast to 2040 of California oil production (located in Kern County, San Joaquin Valley and the Los Angeles basin). Additional charts show number of wells and a map of the region…

September 16, 2024