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November 14, 2024
US crude oil full cycle costs (USD$/Bbl) for the most productive US oil basins comparing the cost by play and the cost for wells within the play greater that 1,800 Bbl/d initial productivity (IP). Includes map showing the location of the major US basins.
The lowest full cycle cost over the period analyzed is in the Permian Delaware at $48.50/Bbl followed by Williston at $54.00/Bbl and Permian Midland at $59.00/Bbl.
US Royalty Rates and Severance Tax (oil) by State
November 15, 2024
Royalty rates and severance taxes across different US states. These rates are used to calculate full cycle cost for oil and lease condensate.
West Virginia and Montana have the highest total taxation rates, both nearing 30%, with a significant contribution from severance tax while Ohio, Pennsylvania and California have the lowest total rates (~15-17%) as they don’t have severance taxes.
Permian Oil Full Cycle Cost
November 1, 2024
Permian oil full cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) equivalent range by initial productivity (IP) and cost component. Additional charts showing full cycle costs and full cycle cost curves for each of Permian Central, Delaware, and Midland formations plus location map and number of drilling locations by IP.
The Permian Central full-cycle costs range from about $36.00 USD/Bbl to $77.00 USD/Bbl, Permian Delaware ranges from about $41.00 USD/Bbl to $185.00 USD/Bbl, and Permian Midland ranges from about $44.00 USD/Bbl to $189.00 USD/Bbl; all depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Denver Julesburg (DJ) and Powder River Oil Full Cycle Cost
November 1, 2024
Denver-Julesburg (DJ) and Powder River oil full cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) equivalent range by initial productivity (IP) and cost component. Additional charts showing full cycle costs and full cycle cost curves for each of DJ and Powder River plus location map and number of drilling locations by IP.
The DJ full-cycle costs range from about $40.00 USD/Bbl to $162.00 USD/Bbl and Powder River ranges from about $49.00 USD/Bbl to $270.00 USD/Bbl; all depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Eagle Ford Oil Full Cycle Cost
November 1, 2024
Eagle Ford oil full cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) equivalent range by initial productivity (IP) and cost component. Additional charts showing the full cycle cost curve, location map and number of drilling locations by IP.
The Eagle River full-cycle costs range from about $45.00 USD/Bbl to $186.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Uinta Oil Full Cycle Cost
November 1, 2024
Uinta oil full cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) equivalent range by initial productivity (IP) and cost component. Additional charts showing the full cycle cost curve, location map and number of drilling locations by IP.
The Uinta full-cycle costs range from about $50.00 USD/Bbl to $222.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Williston Oil Full-Cycle Cost
November 1, 2024
Williston (home of the Bakken Shale) oil full cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) equivalent range by initial productivity (IP) and cost component. Additional charts showing the full cycle cost curve, location map and number of drilling locations by IP.
The Williston full-cycle costs range from about $43.00 USD/Bbl to $197.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.
Anadarko Oil Full-Cycle Cost
November 2, 2024
Anadarko oil full cycle costs at West Texas Intermediate (WTI) equivalent range by initial productivity (IP) and cost component. Additional charts showing the full cycle cost curve, location map and number of drilling locations by IP.
The Williston full-cycle costs range from about $42.00 USD/Bbl to $173.00 USD/Bbl, depending on the initial productivity of the well.