September 15, 2024

The average 2020-2023 well depth in feet, including both vertical depth and horizontal lateral length, for US crude oil wells in the major US Lower 48 oil basins.

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On average, the Williston basin had the longest total feet drilled for new 2023 wells at over 21,000 feet (ft) with a vertical depth of over 11,000 ft and lateral length of 10,000 ft. The next longest was in Permian Midland with total footage of 19,600 ft (8,400 ft vertical and 11,200 ft lateral). Ranking third was Permian Delaware with a total of 19,100 ft (9,900 ft vertical and 9,200 ft lateral). The remainder of the basins ranged from 17,800 total footage (Powder River) to a low of 2,600 total ft in California.