September 15, 2024

Eagle Ford Oil Production

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Eagle Ford has oil, condensate and natural gas areas. Eagle Ford oil production was over 1,150 MBbl/d in 2023 but is expected to decline to the 800 MBbl/d range through 2040 as the basin matures.

Eagle Ford Oil Well Locations and Drilling

2020-2023 Average Lateral Length 7,800 ft
2020-2023 Average Total Depth 17,500 ft
Location: Texas
Number of oil wells drilled since 2010: ~ 20,900
Average New Well Initial Productivity in 2023: 750 Bbl/d
Peak Production: 2015 (~1600 MBbl/d)

Eagle Ford Number of New Wells

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The number of new wells in Eagle Ford dropped from over 2,800 in 2013 to just over 700 in 2023 due to growth of new well initial productivity. Incorrys is forecasting the number of new wells to fluctuate around 600 until 2030 and then start to decline due to maturity of the basin.

Eagle Ford Crude Oil Well Initial Productivity (IP)

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Eagle Ford Well Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR)

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In 2021 Eagle Ford new well Initial Productivity (IP) was over 900 Bbl/d but declined to around 750 Bbl/d in 2023. This decline will continue during the forecast period dropping to about 600 Bbl/d by 2040 as higher productivity areas are drilled first. Well Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) reached around 750 MBbl in 2021 and has dropped to 600 MBbl in 2023. Peak EUR in 2020 is related to focused drilling in a limited number of high production areas in 2020-2021.