February 11, 2025

Actual and forecast (2010-2040) of Marcellus NE raw natural gas production (Bcf/d), broken down between old and new wells.

  • Peak production occurred in 2021 at 11.3 Bcf/d.
  • Marcellus NE gas production is expected to continue to grow reaching 12.8 Bcf/d by 2032 before starting a gradual decline.

Marcellus NE Raw Gas Well Initial Productivity

  • In 2021, Marcellus NE new well Initial Productivity (IP) reached 20.6 MMcf/d but declined to around 15.2 MMcf/d in 2023. Is expected to slowly decline during the forecast period to around 13.2 MMcf/d by 2040.

Marcellus NE Raw Gas EUR

  • Well Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) reached around 19.4 Bcf in 2022 and fell slightly to 18.6 Bcf in 2023. EUR is expected to continue to drop slowly to 14.2 Bcf in 2030.

Marcellus NE Well Count

  • Approximately 6,700 wells have been drilled since 2010.
  • The number of new wells in Marcellus NE dropped 2/3 from over 930 in 2012 to just over 310 in 2023.
  • Incorrys is forecasting the number of new wells to fluctuate around 310 until 2036 and then start to decline.
  • Over the 2020-2023 time period, the average lateral length was 9,000 ft with an average total depth of 17,700 ft.

Marcellus Map

Marcellus wells 2020-2023

  • Marcellus NE is located in Pennsylvania Northeast.
  • Marcellus NE produces mostly lean, dry gas and has new well initial productivity (IP) higher than in Marcellus SW.
  • Marcellus development in Pennsylvania benefits from zero severance tax.

Incorrys analysis is based on historical data obtained from individual US states.

See Also:

  1. Marcellus SW Raw Gas Production
  2. Marcellus Total Raw Gas Production
  3. US Dry Gas Production Forecast to 2040
  4. Initial Productivity (IP) of Major US GAS Basins 2023
  5. Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) of Major US GAS Basins 2023
  6. Well Depth of Major US gas Basins 2023