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January 11, 2024
In 2022, there were 20 countries exporting LNG led by Australia, the US, Qatar, Russia, and Malaysia. Combined, these top exporters accounted for 75% of the world total.
The largest exporting region continued to be Asia Pacific with a total of over 130 mtpa (18 Bcf/d) in 2022, a 5 mtpa increase compared to 2021.
The Middle East with 97 mtpa of output ranked second, and North America ranked third with exports of 81 mtpa.
North America recorded the largest growth from 2021 of over 10 mtpa.
Australia retained its position as the largest exporting country in 2022 sending out 81 mtpa versus 79mtpa in 2021.
The United States is on track to become the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2023 as new projects come onstream and Europe seeks to offset Russian gas supply.