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November 13, 2021
Low Carbon Ammonia utilizes blue hydrogen to create NH3, which than can be used in fertilizer production, as a hydrogen carrier, or directly as fuel. The cost is US$1.57/MMBtu H2 made up of CAPEX of US$0.78/MMBtu H2 and OPEX of US$0.79/MMBtu H.
Modeling Parameters:
- 380 Tonne H2/day plant input
- 2,115 Tonnes/d NH3 output
- 90% load factor
- 35:65 Equity to Debt
- 15% Equity return
- 7% Debt cost
- Cost of USD$283/Tonne NH3
See also:
Impact of Natural Gas Cost on Hydrogen Cost 2021
Renewable Identification Numbers (RIN) Pricing 2021
Hydrogen Transportation 2021
Cost of Hydrogen in Western Canada 2021
Transportation Pathways to Hydrogen Export 2021
Marine Transportation Competitiveness to Asia 2021
Hydrogen Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) 2021
Carbon Capture and Storage for Hydrogen 2021
Hydrogen Pipeline 2021
Methylcyclohexane (MHC)-Toluene Hydrogenation 2021