February 10, 2025

Actual and Forecast (2010-2040) of Haynesville raw natural gas production (Bcf/d), broken down between old and new wells.

  • Peak production occurred in 2023 at 17.1 Bcf/d.
  • Haynesville raw gas production was 16.7 Bcf/d in 2023 and is expected to reach over 18 Bcf/d around 2034. It then declines to just over 16 Bcf/d by 2040 due to maturity of the basin.
  • Incorrys includes re-fracking and recompletion of older wells in Haynesville.

Haynesville Gas Well Initial Productivity

  • In 2022, Haynesville new well Initial Productivity (IP) was over 20.6 MMcf/d and declined to 19.7 MMcf/d in 2023. IP will start to decline after 2028 to about 18 MMcf/d by 2040.

Haynesville Gas EUR 

  • Well Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) reached around 16.7 Bcf in 2022 and dropped to 15.8 Bcf in 2023. EUR is expected to continue to fall reaching just under 13.2 Bcf in 2030.

Haynesville Well Count

  • Approximately 9,600 wells have been drilled since 2010.
  • The number of new wells in Haynesville dropped over 2/3 from over 1600 in 2010 to just over 500 in 2023. Number of wells is expected to drop to around 370 in 2024.
  • Over the 2020-2023 time period, the average lateral length was 7,150 ft with a average total depth of 11,595 ft.

Haynesville Map

Haynesville gas wells 1990-2023.

  • Hayesville is located in East Texas and North Louisiana. Haynesville produces dry gas with very significant initial productivity. Proximity of LNG liquefaction plants located on the Gulf Coast makes it one of primary sources of gas for US LNG exports together with Permian Associated gas.
  • The map includes wells from Haynesville, Bossier, Cotton Valley, Travis Peak and other formations within the Haynesville basin.

Incorrys analysis is based on historical data obtained from individual US states.

See Also:

  1. US Dry Gas Production Forecast to 2040
  2. Initial Productivity (IP) of Major US GAS Basins 2023
  3. Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) of Major US GAS Basins 2023
  4. Well Depth of Major US gas Basins 2023