November 14, 2024

This chart shows the Canadian Oil and Lease Condensate resource cost curve estimating full cycle cost vs. resources for all major producing Western Canadian plays (conventional and Tight Oi) – excluding Oil Sands and Canada East Offshore.

Each Canadian play has up to 5 data points associated with 5 well productivity ranges (from 0 to 300 Bbl/d, from 300 to 600 Bbl/d, etc.).

Incorrys estimated resources and full cycle costs for each data point in each basin. For example, Clearwater has 496 MMBbl of resources available at a full cycle cost of USD$43.60/Bbl and below.

The Canadian resource cost curve has 42 data points in total.

The resource curve helps to estimate how much resource is available at various full cycle cost levels.

According to this resource curve, Western Canada has 5.400 MMBbl with full cycle cost less than USD$50/Bbl and 16,000 MMBbl with full cycle cost at or below USD$60/Bbl.