Natural Gas Production 2010-2022
Global natural gas production has increased 75% since 2010, from 2400 billion cubic meters (Bcm) to about 4200 Bcm in 2022. Natural gas production recovered in 2021 following the Covid pandemic driven decline in 2020. Despite a sanctioned related 12% drop in Russian natural gas from 2021 to 2022, production remain relatively flat in 2022 reflecting increased production from all other regions. The US has seen the greatest growth over the past 10 years increasing 49% from 680 Bcm to over 1,000 Bcm while Russia has only increased a total of 3% over the same period (from 615 Bcm to 630 Bcm).
In 2022, the US was the single largest contributor accounting for 25% of global natural gas production. This is up from a 20% market share in 2012. Russia ranked 2nd in global production at 15%, down from their 18% in 2012. IR Iran ranked 3rd at 6% market share in 2022 followed by China at 5% and Saudi Arabia at 3%.
Source: Enerdata