January 31, 2024

The supply of raw lithium ore grew rapidly beginning in 2017 as the demand for Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries began to show strong growth. By country, Australia has been the dominant force in Lithium ore production averaging 75% of global historical production between 2010 and 2022, with their market share increasing from 62% to 82% over that time period. After Australia, Chile averaged about 8% of the global market share from 2010-2022 and China at about 3%. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has identified a potential 98 million tonnes of lithium resources worldwide through geological exploration. Further, the discovered lithium reserves stand at 26 million tonnes which is sufficient for the production of nearly 2.7 billion electric vehicles.

See also:
Global Refined Lithium Production 2010-2022
Lithium Price 2010-2023
Global Refined Lithium Production and Forecast 2010-2030
Global Lithium Reserves 2023

US. Geological Survey