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January 23, 2025
Methane Regulations in Canada:
- Limit fugitive leaks: inspection, detection and repair programs
- Reduce venting from facilities: limit 1,250 m3 per day, natural gas conservation.
- Reduce venting from pneumatic devices: limit 0.17 m3 per hour
- Reduce venting from compressors
- No venting from well completions
The Oil & Gas sector is by far the largest contributor to methane emissions in Canada representing 49% of the total. Next largest are agriculture (27%) and waste (18%). The remaining transportation and other contribute 6% combined.
See also:
Global Historical Methane Emissions by Country 1990-2022
US Historical Methane Emissions 1990-2022
Total Methane Emissions in the US 2000-2022
Canadian Methane Emissions from Oil & Gas Sector 2020-2025
Government of Canada