July 31, 2023
Global wind generation capacity grew 5-fold between 2010-2022 from 180 GW to about 910 GW. Capacity grew almost 80 GW in 2022, the lowest build over the past 3 years (112 GW in 2020 and 95 GW in 2021), although it still ranks as the 3rd highest year.
Total onshore capacity grew from 175 GW to 850 GW (2010-2022), almost 70 GW was added in 2022. China led the way in 2022 representing almost 50%, while the US accounted for 13% and Brazil 6%.
Total offshore capacity grew from just 5 GW to 65 GW over the same timeframe of which 9 GW were added in 2022. Again, China led the way in 2022 representing almost 60% of the total while the UK and Taiwan each accounted for 14% and France and the Netherlands account for 5% each.
Onshore wind accounted for 98% of the 2010 total dropping to 92% in 2022.
2022 Market Share
China accounts for over 40% (390 GW) of the total 910 GW of installed wind capacity followed by Europe representing almost 30% (255 GW) and the US 16% (140 GW).
Combined, the top 3 regions account for over 85% of the total global capacity (785 GW) while the rest of the world represents under 15% at 120 GW – slightly lower than the US.
Wind Generation Capacity by Country 2010-2022
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