July 9, 2024

Total oil sands production (MBbl/d) by type (in situ and mining) for 2016-2022.

  • Oil is extracted from oil sands using 2 different methods:
    • Mining – surface mining is used when deposits are near the earths surface.
    • In situ is used to access deeper deposits where wells are drilled and steam is injected to make the bitumen fluid enough to pump to the surface. There are 2 types of in situ: Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS).
  • Mining accounts for about 40% of total oil sands production ranging from almost 900 MBbl/d in 2016 to over 1300 MBbl/d in 2022
  • In situ represents about 60% of total oil sands production.
  • Mining and in situ production have can fluctuate due to prevailing market conditions, available transportation capacity to market and prices. There is a noticeable drop in 2020 due to the impact of the Covid pandemic.

See Also:

Canadian Oil Production Forecast to 2035
Oil Sands In Situ Production by Company 2022
Oil Sands Mining Production by Company 2016-2022
Oil Sands Weighted Gross Revenue 2016-2022
Oil Sands Royalty Rate by Project Type 2016-2022


Alberta Oil Sands Royalty Data, 2022
Alberta Oil sands project data, 2022
Alberta Energy Regulator Plants and Facilities, 2023