May 1, 2024

Methane (CH4) is responsible for approximately 30% of the rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution, even though its share of global GHG emissions is not that large at about 18%. Globally, methane emissions (excluding LULUCF*) were basically flat at about 6,800 Mt CO2eq from 19990-2001. They have since steadily increased to almost 9,000 Mt CO2eq in 2022 with a dip in 2020 from the impact of the Covid pandemic. China is the largest emitter of CH4 with over 1,300 Mt CO2eq emissions in 2022, about 15% of the total. They are followed by the US at 800 Mt CO2eq (9%), India at over 700 Mt CO2eq (8%), Russia at 600 Mt CO2eq (7%), and Brazil at almost 550 Mt CO2eq (6%). Combined, these top 5 methane emitters represent almost 50% of global methane emissions. Canada’s methane emissions are less than 100 Mt CO2eq.
*Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)

See also:
US Historical Methane Emissions 1990-2022
Total Methane Emissions in the US 2000-2022
Methane Emissions in Canada 2022
Canadian Methane Emissions from Oil & Gas Sector 2020-2025

1.IER. FEBRUARY 28, 2023. Global and U.S. Methane Emissions in 2022 Based on IEA’s Tracker. Available at,also%20known%20as%20anthropogenic%20emissions.
2.IEA.  2023. Understanding methane emissions. Available at
3.IEA. Global Methane Tracker 2023. 2023. Available at